

Further increase in assets under management for REYL Group

Founded in Geneva in 1973, REYL Group ended 2014 on a globally positive note, recording the second best financial year in its history. As of 31 December 2014, assets under management rose to CHF 10.7 billion, an annual increase of 18%. Net revenues totalled CHF 107 million (-8%) and net profit CHF 18 million (‑27%). The relative drop in net revenues and profits was mainly due to lower levels of performance fees in institutional Asset Management, which depend on the evolution of financial markets, as well as one-off charges linked to the reconfiguration of REYL & Cie’s IT systems.

2014 and 2015 will remain as pivotal years in the development of REYL Group. With the creation of the Asset Services department, which offers investment consulting and delegation together with custody, trading as well as fund depositary and governance services to financial institutions in Switzerland and abroad, REYL & Cie has ended the process of "horizontally" diversifying its activities. Currently the Group focuses on five well defined, distinct and complementary business lines, serving international entrepreneurs and institutional investors. This comprehensive offer encompasses Wealth Management, Asset Management, Private Office, Corporate Advisory & Structuring and Asset Services.

"From 2016, we will focus our efforts more on a “vertical” axis aiming to favour synergies between our various business lines, to improve our internal processes and to foster a truly transversal approach and culture within the Group," says François Reyl, CEO. "At the same time, we will continue to strengthen our presence in Asia, the Middle East and the United States. In a difficult environment for the banking sector, REYL & Cie will continue to set out to provide innovative solutions for its clients, a necessary condition for safeguarding and continuing its growth."