

Ruth Metzler-Arnold appointed to the Board of REYL & Cie

REYL & Cie, the independent banking group based in Geneva, announces the appointment of Mrs Ruth Metzler-Arnold to its Board of Directors.

Mrs Ruth Metzler-Arnold, a graduate from the University of Freiburg (Law) and a certified public accountant,is a well-known figure within Switzerland’s political and business establishments. She began her career at UBS, moving to PricewaterhouseCoopers as an auditor in 1990 and then, in 1996, she became Minister of Finance in the Cantonal Government of Appenzell Rhodes-Interior. In 1999, she was elected to the 7-member Swiss Federal Council as Head of the Justice and Police department, a mandate she held until the end of 2003 and during which she distinguished herself by winning 14 referenda. In 2003, she was the Vice-President of the Swiss Government.

Upon leaving the Swiss Federal Council, Mrs. Metzler-Arnold taught at the University of St. Gallen/ HSG, she then spent  several years at Novartis as a Member of the Executive Committee of Novartis Group France and as Head of Investor Relations at the Headquarters in Basel and, additionally, she co-founded Klaus Metzler Eckmann Spillmann, a consultancy boutique in strategy, management and communications. She is chairperson of the board of Switzerland Global Enterprise and Aquila & Co., and a member of the boards of Bühler AG, Axa-Winterthur, Fehr Advice AG, University of St Gallen (HSG), Avenir Suisse, and formerly of SIX Group.